Three Stone Millegrain Curls Engagement Ring


An evolution of our classic Millegrain Curls Engagement Ring, this three stone variation features side stones that accentuate your center stone. Fine millegrain lace envelopes ideal cut diamonds or other stones around the band. Pictured here in platinum with a diamond center stone and amethyst side stones. The band is accented with green and white diamonds. 
You can request a custom image for any color combination
engagement ring graphic
  • Select metals for pricing and colors!
  • Schedule a free appt for design changes!
  • You'll get your own design consultant!
  • Get a perfect fit with our sizing rings!

diamond graphic

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You’ll be quite taken by our simple custom design process, dedication & our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

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Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “Your designs are hands down, and far and away, the ones a girl could look at on her hand for the rest of her blissfully married life.”
    client photo Traci H. Springfield, MA  USA
  • “We received our beautiful rings and absolutely love them!! I can't tell you how happy we are to wear them....They were well worth the wait. Thank you once again. ”
    client photo Sheila & Patrice Sunnyside, NY  USA